21Octtechno-media collaboration: next phase of cpecThe history of China is both captivating and complicated. There were extensive periods of time,
07OctThe APT Game of Caspian SeaThe APT (Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkey) ties should not surprise anyone, as Pakistan and Turkey were
29MarRussia – China Supremacy in Vaccine DiplomacyCovid-19 vaccines are turning out to be an important form of diplomatic currency around the
25MarSME: Not a Small PotentialSmall & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are generally considered the backbone of any economy. The reason
02NovPAK CAR’s AffinityPAK CARs’ Affinity: This article explains the bond between Pakistan and Central Asian Republics. Published
10OctHindutva: a state-sanctioned pogromMy article “Hindutva as a state-sanctioned pogrom” answers: Are Hindu atrocities just a communal conflict
30SepThe Captain’s callThe Caesarish captain, Prime Minister Imran Khan: he appeared, he spoke and he conquered our
27SepHebdo’s VenomA provocative publication in 2005 by a Danish paper, that prompted a deadly attack in